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AI-Powered Social Media Kick-Off

First Chat to Boost Engagement for a GCP and DevOps Business

Hi, I'm starting a productised service business providing GCP and DevOps support on a monthly subscription basis. My target audience includes small to medium-sized businesses, in Australia, that need help with cloud infrastructure and development operations, but can't justify a full-time GCP Cloud Engineer salary.

I'm looking for guidance on content creation and social media marketing to showcase my expertise and attract potential clients. Can you help me develop a content strategy for LinkedIn? Please consider the following:

  • The type of content that would resonate most with my target audience (e.g., case studies, tutorials, thought leadership articles)
  • How to engage and be seen by potential clients
  • The ideal posting frequency and schedule (keeping in mind I am doing freelance web development at the same time and therefore have limited time initially)
  • Best practices for optimising content visibility and engagement (e.g., using hashtags, mentions, visuals)

This will be a long-lived chat session, where I come back to you every day or so with new data, so that you can continue to help me along my journey.

Feel free to share any other insights on creating compelling content and social media marketing that you think would be helpful for my business.


I'm happy to help you develop a content strategy for LinkedIn. Here's a breakdown of the main elements you should consider:

  1. Type of content: a. Case studies: Share real-life examples of how you've helped clients implement GCP and DevOps solutions, highlighting the problems you solved and the benefits they experienced. b. Tutorials: Create step-by-step guides or video tutorials showcasing your expertise in GCP and DevOps tools and practices. This will demonstrate your knowledge and provide value to your audience. c. Thought leadership articles: Write insightful articles on industry trends, best practices, and your experiences in GCP and DevOps. This will help establish you as an expert in the field. d. Testimonials: Share positive reviews from satisfied clients to build trust with potential customers.

  2. Engaging potential clients: a. Participate in relevant LinkedIn Groups: Join and actively participate in groups related to GCP, DevOps, and your target industries. Engage with group members by answering questions, offering advice, and sharing valuable content. b. Leverage LinkedIn search: Use LinkedIn's search feature to find and connect with potential clients, then share relevant content with them. c. Engage with others' content: Like, comment, and share content from other professionals in your industry to build relationships and increase visibility.

  3. Posting frequency and schedule: Aim for 2-3 high-quality posts per week. This should give you enough time to create valuable content while balancing your freelance web development work. Consider using a social media management tool like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule your posts in advance.

  4. Optimizing content visibility and engagement: a. Use relevant hashtags: Include 3-5 relevant hashtags in each post to improve its visibility. Research popular hashtags related to GCP, DevOps, and your target industries. b. Mention other users: Tag relevant people and companies in your posts when appropriate, as this can increase visibility and engagement. c. Include visuals: Use eye-catching images, infographics, or videos to make your content more appealing and shareable. d. Optimize post timing: Experiment with posting at different times of day to find when your audience is most active. Typically, posting during weekdays and working hours is more effective on LinkedIn.

Remember to track your engagement metrics (likes, comments, shares, and followers) to understand which content types resonate with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly. Feel free to return with new data, and I'll be glad to continue assisting you in your content marketing journey. Good luck!

I'm going to be copying this chat log to my own website, sharing the complete conversation. I think it could be helpful to other people, and perhaps it will be the type of content people would share, which could help me get more reach to potential customers. I would like to post about this on LinkedIn as well, as AI is quite new and people may be interested in this use-case.

I have made posts on LinkedIn the past, but with only limited success. What would be the best way to post about the chat log? Is there an ideal time I should be posting etc.?


Sharing the chat log on your website and promoting it on LinkedIn is a great idea. It showcases a unique application of AI and provides valuable insights to others. Here's a suggested approach for promoting the chat log on LinkedIn:

  1. Craft an engaging post: a. Write an attention-grabbing headline: Create a headline that piques the interest of your audience, such as "Discover How AI Helped Me Build a Content Strategy for My GCP and DevOps Service Business." b. Provide a brief overview: In the post body, briefly explain the context of the chat log, the insights gained, and the benefits for readers. c. Include a call-to-action: Encourage readers to visit your website to read the full chat log and invite them to share their thoughts in the comments.

  2. Use visuals: Include an eye-catching image or infographic that highlights key points from the chat log or showcases the AI-assisted conversation.

  3. Optimize posting time: While the ideal posting time varies depending on your audience, generally, posting during weekdays and working hours (e.g., 9 AM to 6 PM) tends to be more effective on LinkedIn. You can experiment with posting at different times to find when your audience is most active.

  4. Leverage hashtags and mentions: Use 3-5 relevant hashtags, such as #AI, #GCP, #DevOps, #ContentStrategy, and #LinkedInMarketing. If appropriate, mention companies or individuals related to AI, GCP, or DevOps who may be interested in your post.

  5. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, questions, and feedback on your post to keep the conversation going and foster relationships with potential clients.

  6. Monitor and adjust: Track the post's engagement (likes, comments, shares, and click-throughs) to gauge its success. Use this information to refine your future content and posting strategy.

Finally, remember that consistency and quality are key to building an engaged audience on LinkedIn. Keep sharing valuable content, engaging with others, and experimenting with different approaches to find what works best for you. Good luck!

Does LinkedIn Premium have a part to play in helping this strategy? Or is Premium for a different purpose?


LinkedIn Premium can potentially support your content strategy and outreach efforts, though it's not necessary for success. Premium offers several features that may be beneficial for your business:

  1. InMail: Premium allows you to send direct messages to people you're not connected with, which can be helpful when reaching out to potential clients or influencers. However, you can still connect with and message people without a Premium subscription, so this feature isn't essential.

  2. Expanded search results and filters: With Premium, you get access to more search results and advanced search filters. This can be helpful for finding potential clients, partners, or influencers in your target industries. However, basic search features may be sufficient for your needs.

  3. Who's viewed your profile: Premium provides insights into who has viewed your profile, which can help you identify interested prospects and engage with them. While this information can be valuable, it's not crucial to your content strategy.

  4. Learning resources: LinkedIn Premium includes access to LinkedIn Learning, which offers a wide range of courses and tutorials. You may find relevant resources on content creation, social media marketing, or business development that can help you improve your strategy.

  5. Premium badge: A Premium badge on your profile may give you a slight credibility boost, but it's not a determining factor in attracting clients or building trust.

In summary, while LinkedIn Premium offers some benefits that can complement your content strategy and outreach efforts, it's not essential for success. You can still effectively execute your content strategy and engage with potential clients using the free version of LinkedIn. If you're unsure about the value of Premium for your specific needs, you can try a free trial and evaluate whether the additional features justify the cost.

I understand. Can you help me craft the post we just discussed, but in more detail?


Certainly! Here's a detailed draft for a LinkedIn post promoting your AI-assisted chat log:

🚀 How AI Helped Me Build a Content Strategy for My GCP and DevOps Service Business 🤖

Are you curious about the practical applications of AI? I recently used an AI language model to help me develop a content strategy for my productised service business, which offers GCP and DevOps support to small and medium-sized businesses in Australia.

🔍 Here's what the AI assistant helped me with:

✅ Identifying the most effective types of content for my target audience, including case studies, tutorials, and thought leadership articles. ✅ Offering tips on engaging potential clients and increasing visibility on LinkedIn. ✅ Suggesting an ideal posting frequency and schedule, taking into account my limited time. ✅ Sharing best practices for optimizing content visibility and engagement.

📖 I've documented the entire conversation on my website, providing valuable insights that can benefit other businesses looking to create a content strategy or leverage AI technology.

👉 Check out the full chat log here: [Your Website Link]

🗣️ What are your thoughts on using AI for content strategy development? Have you tried similar AI tools for your business? Let's discuss in the comments below!

#AI #GCP #DevOps #ContentStrategy #LinkedInMarketing

Remember to replace "[Your Website Link]" with the actual URL to your chat log on your website. This post provides an engaging headline, highlights key insights from the chat log, and includes a call-to-action inviting readers to visit your website and engage in the comments. The relevant hashtags and an eye-catching visual should also help improve visibility and engagement.

From my understanding, it is better to have posts that don't have links, as the LinkedIn algorithm is likely tailored to try and keep people on the platform. What do you think about that?

  • Should I just have less links in future posts, and keep this one?
  • Or should I have my main link in my subtitle and reference that?
  • Or should I add a comment myself with a link?

You're correct that the LinkedIn algorithm tends to favor posts without external links, as the platform aims to keep users engaged within LinkedIn. There are a few alternative approaches you can consider to avoid potentially limiting your post's visibility:

  1. Post without a link: Share the insights from the AI-assisted chat log without including a direct link in the post. Encourage readers to visit your website (mention the website name) or check your profile for the link. You can add the link to your website in your profile's "Contact info" section or "About" section.

  2. Use the link in the subtitle or comments: Instead of including the link in the main post, mention in the post that you'll be sharing the link in the comments or subtitle. Once you've published the post, add a comment with the link or edit your post's subtitle to include the link. This approach can help minimize the impact of external links on your post's visibility.

Here's a modified version of the post that doesn't include the direct link:

🚀 How AI Helped Me Build a Content Strategy for My GCP and DevOps Service Business 🤖

Are you curious about the practical applications of AI? I recently used an AI language model to help me develop a content strategy for my productised service business, which offers GCP and DevOps support to small and medium-sized businesses in Australia.

🔍 Here's what the AI assistant helped me with:

✅ Identifying the most effective types of content for my target audience, including case studies, tutorials, and thought leadership articles. ✅ Offering tips on engaging potential clients and increasing visibility on LinkedIn. ✅ Suggesting an ideal posting frequency and schedule, taking into account my limited time. ✅ Sharing best practices for optimizing content visibility and engagement.

📖 I've documented the entire conversation on my website, providing valuable insights that can benefit other businesses looking to create a content strategy or leverage AI technology.

👉 To check out the full chat log, visit my website (mentioned in my profile) or look for the link in the comments.

🗣️ What are your thoughts on using AI for content strategy development? Have you tried similar AI tools for your business? Let's discuss in the comments below!

#AI #GCP #DevOps #ContentStrategy #LinkedInMarketing

After publishing this post, you can add a comment with the link to your chat log or include the link in the post's subtitle, as mentioned earlier. This approach should help you maintain better visibility while still directing readers to your website.

Thanks, I will tweak this a little to be more in my own voice, but it is a great start


You're welcome! I'm glad you found the draft helpful. Feel free to modify it to better reflect your voice and style. If you have any further questions or need assistance in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your LinkedIn content strategy and your GCP and DevOps service business!

You are going to always have the same persona of helping me out with social media. To make it fun, can you make up a name and title for yourself? Also, pretend you are an anthropomorphic animal, and craft a text-to-image prompt for an image of yourself that I can include on my site. Use this prompt format:

A detailed image of [subject] [doing something interesting] during [time of day], taken with a [type of camera], using [type of lens] with cinematic lighting --v 5 --ar 16:9


Sure! My name is Max Velocity, Social Media Strategist, and I am an anthropomorphic cheetah. Here's a text-to-image prompt to create an image of me:

A detailed image of Max Velocity, an anthropomorphic cheetah wearing a suit and working on a laptop, providing social media advice during a sunny afternoon, taken with a DSLR camera, using a wide-angle lens with cinematic lighting --v 5 --ar 16:9

Feel free to use this image prompt to generate an image of me for your website. If you need any more assistance, Max Velocity, your friendly cheetah Social Media Strategist, is here to help!

great, thanks for that. Can you create a title and sub-title for today's chat, that I can use on my chat log?


Of course! Here's a title and subtitle for today's chat log:

Title: "Harnessing AI to Boost Social Media Success: A GCP and DevOps Service Business Journey"

Subtitle: "Leveraging an AI language model to create a LinkedIn content strategy and maximize engagement for a productized service business."

Feel free to modify these suggestions to better fit your needs or preferences. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please let me know!

hmm what is the section after a colon called in a title?


The section after a colon in a title is often referred to as the "subtitle" or "subheading." It is used to provide additional context, clarify the main topic, or introduce a secondary idea related to the main title. In the example I provided earlier, "A GCP and DevOps Service Business Journey" serves as the subtitle or subheading, offering more context about the content of the chat log.

ok, I am looking for a title, with no colon, and then a separate subtitle. Try to keep them relatively short


I apologize for the confusion. Here's a revised title and separate subtitle for your chat log:

Title: "AI-Powered Social Media Strategy"

Subtitle: "Boosting Engagement for a GCP and DevOps Business"

These suggestions are shorter and don't contain a colon. Feel free to adjust them further if needed. If you have any other requests or questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

almost there, but can you make reference to this being our first chat and kick-off meeting?


Certainly! Here's a revised title and subtitle that incorporate the idea of this being your first chat and kick-off meeting:

Title: "AI-Powered Social Media Kick-Off"

Subtitle: "First Chat to Boost Engagement for a GCP and DevOps Business"

These suggestions emphasize the beginning of your journey with the AI assistant while still conveying the focus on social media strategy for your GCP and DevOps business. If you need further adjustments or have any other requests, please let me know.

thanks for everything today. I have some work to do in creating my webpage, and shortly after that I will create the LinkedIn post we discussed, and then I will let you know how that goes


You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. I look forward to hearing about your progress with the webpage and LinkedIn post. If you have any questions or need further assistance along the way, please don't hesitate to reach out. Good luck with your work, and I'm here to support you whenever you need it.